The Most Common Dental Problems in Children

The Most Common Dental Problems in Children

Quality oral health care and hygiene habits should start early on because similar to adults, children can also develop a number of dental problems. It’s actually more likely for children to develop dental issues because of bad habits like sucking their thumbs and...
How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Dental Bridge Procedure?

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Dental Bridge Procedure?

A dazzling smile can transform not only your appearance but also your self-assurance. Missing teeth can cast a shadow on that radiance, leading many individuals to explore the benefits of dental bridges in Collingwood. But what lies beyond the decision to invest in a...
What Are Mouthguards? Collingwood Dentist Weighs In

What Are Mouthguards? Collingwood Dentist Weighs In

A mouthguard is a piece of dental equipment designed to protect your teeth. Not only can mouthguards prevent or decrease teeth grinding while you sleep, but they can also be worn when playing contact sports to protect your teeth, gums and tongue against damage from...
How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment to brighten your smile. Teeth whitening is a go-to solution for many individuals to enhance their smile’s aesthetic appearance, and there are different methods depending on your preferences. You can consider...
Your Child’s First Dental Cleaning: What to Expect

Your Child’s First Dental Cleaning: What to Expect

Teeth Cleaning for Children Bringing your child to the dentist at a young age can help set them up for excellent oral health habits and routines. It will also help to teach them that dental visits are a normal part of life and should not be scary or intimidating....