How Often Should You Have a Teeth Cleaning?

Maintaining a healthy smile relies on regular trips to the dentist, but how often should you be going to have your teeth cleaned? Well, the answer depends on your overall oral hygiene health and habits. There is no question that visiting your dentist or hygienist for a regular Teeth Cleaning in Collingwood helps to keep your oral health in check and your smile bright!


The Right Teeth Cleaning Interval

At your first dental appointment, typically a New Patient Exam and Hygiene Cleaning, your dentist or hygienist will recommend a specific time for you to come back – typically 3, 4, 6, or 9 months from your first cleaning. The specific interval you are recommended will depend on many factors.

Here are just a few of the factors that play a role in your Dental Cleaning interval:

  • Are you high risk based on your dietary habits? Aka. Sugars, acids, etc.
  • Do you brush and floss as required?
  • Do you have dentures or braces?
  • Are you unable to brush properly due to physical or medical conditions?
  • Do you suffer from dry mouth?
  • Do you have deep periodontal pockets?
  • Others: Age, current oral health condition, risk for disease, more


Which Interval is Right for You?

Once your dentist or hygienist has had the chance to examine your oral health, they will recommend a specific interval for your Teeth Cleaning and Check Up, as mentioned above. As a team, including you and your team of dental professionals, you will decide on which interval works best for you, your lifestyle, and your oral health. Discussing the risk factors above will help guide the decision to a 3, 4, 6, or 9 month interval for cleanings and/or check ups.

Typically, a low-risk patient with great oral hygiene habits and oral health will be recommended a 6-month cleaning interval. However, it always depends on the specific case and particular risk factors involved with the patient.

For those that have active periodontal disease or are at a higher risk for disease, a more frequent interval is often recommended. This helps your team of dental professionals to not only remove harmful bacteria, but to also keep an eye on your current oral health status. A referral to a Periodontal Specialist may be required if determined by the Dentist and Hygienist.


The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

Dental Cleanings help to remove harmful bacteria, plaque, tartar, and calculus from your teeth and provides a healthier environment for the rest of your mouth. Having your teeth cleaned professionally helps to remove the harmful bacteria before they can have a negative effect on your oral health.

Regular Dental Cleanings also helps to avoid other dental issues such as periodontal disease, cavities, root canals, extractions, tooth loss, and more. Visiting the dentist for Teeth Cleanings regularly helps you to stay ahead of the curve and do your best to avoid dental issues.


Do You See the Dentist at Your Regular Teeth Cleaning Appointment?

Not every Teeth Cleaning appointment requires the dentist to be present. Often, your Teeth Cleaning appointments will just be you and your Dental Hygienist. However, the Dentist will typically do a semi-annual check up to assess your currently oral health condition. You may also have your x-rays (radiographs) updated at this appointment as well.

If you have any questions for the dentist at your Teeth Cleaning appointment, or have a sore spot for them to assess, many dentists would be happy to take a quick look and answer any questions you may have while you’re in the dental clinic.


Scheduling a Teeth Cleaning in Collingwood

Dr. Sarah McVey, and her team at Collingwood Family Dental, are currently welcoming new patients and families to their dental clinic. Dr. Sarah offers a wide range of General and Family dental services along with Direct Insurance Billing, Evening Hours, and Emergency Dental services. If you’d like to become a patient at Collingwood Family Dental, simply give us a call, book online, or send us an email to get started. We’d be happy to meet you!


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When to Find an Emergency Dentist in Collingwood

5 Questions to Ask Your Collingwood Dentist

What to Expect at Your First Dental Visit